Step into the captivating realm of ‘Imprint / Dismantle’, where the works of Loughborough’s three graduate artists converge in a dynamic investigation of perception and transformation.
The exhibition of work by artists Bethany Graham, Molly Lightfoot and Tinaye Makuyana will be in Martin Hall from 9-21 February.
Beth Graham’s printed mixed media portraits invite viewers to intimately engage with the process of portraiture, exploring representation and drawing.
Molly Helen Lightfoot uses photography and typography to delve into an exploration of mental health and homophobia, challenging societal norms and prompting deep reflections on human vulnerability.
Tinaye Makuyana’s intricate paper sculptures defy expectations, imprinting folds that dismantle conventional notions of form and reality.
The exhibition will open on Friday 9 February, 6pm-8pm as part of Loughborough Lates. Outside of this, the opening hours will be 12pm-2pm Monday to Saturday. It is free to view, and no prior booking is required.
For accessibility and parking information please see the event page.