The Loughborough Game Changers campaign, launched today (19th June), has been developed to raise the profile of the University’s innovative work that is making a real difference to society.
“Our university has a truly global reach, with the potential to influence the most pressing issues facing us today,” says Professor Robert Allison, Loughborough’s Vice-Chancellor and President.
“Through ground-breaking research and creative innovation, Loughborough is helping to drive forward our understanding of the world and the many challenges we all face. Our work influences national and international policy, leads to changes in industry practice and brings about improvements to the quality of people’s lives.
“Our Game Changers campaign will help us to showcase the impact our staff students and alumni are having on the world.”
The TOXI-triage project – which is just one of the research initiatives included in the first phase of the campaign – seeks to set the new global ‘Gold Standard’ for how emergency services should tackle a chemical, biological, radioactive or nuclear (CBRN) incident.
Funded by the European Commission, TOXI-triage, which is led by Loughborough, brings together 19 teams from across Europe, spanning the emergency and health services, defence, industry, and university academics.
Paul Thomas, Professor of Analytical Science from Loughborough’s Department of Chemistry, is leading the project. He said: “Over the last four years some of the strongest teams across Europe have been working together to help ensure society can respond to and tackle a CBRN incident in the best possible way.
“We live in a time where CBRN terrorism is a real threat, and incidents such as the Birling Gap gas cloud and Japan’s Fukushima nuclear crisis illustrate how CBRN incidents can and do occur as a result of human error or a natural disaster.
“The emergency services need to have the best possible information when a CBRN incident occurs, in the quickest time possible without having to put further lives at risk. TOXI-triage has created new hot zone assessment, diagnostic, communications and track and tag triage technologies, along with an integrated system that pulls all the information together in real time.
“TOXI-triage is truly revolutionary and sets to rewrite the way a CBRN incident is managed.”
To see more of Loughborough’s game-changing research and initiatives, go to