The event will be held in the James France Building and it will present the latest developments in the energy and sustainability industries relevant to Hydrogen and Fuel Cells. There will be talks from a leading academic and industry professionals including Sylvie Childs, Senior Product Manager of Nexo Hyundai Motors UK and Jeremy Bowman, Engineering Director and Co-Founder of Hypermotive.
Professor Upul Wijayantha, who teaches Physical Chemistry at Loughborough will be giving a key talk outlining the EPSRC Centre of Doctoral Training on Sustainable Hydrogen (SusHy CDT) which is run by Loughborough University, University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham and Ulster University. He will present a broad range of opportunities for industries to work with the SusHy CDT to support students and graduates interested in joining the industry which is funded by the UK EPSRC.
Professor Wijayantha said: “We are delighted to host the Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Showcase in which will facilitate further opportunities for industry to work with the SusHy CDT.
“The CDT works in partnership with the stakeholder community to train people to market the novel, disruptive hydrogen solutions required for deep decarbonisation, thereby enabling the UK to meet its 2050 target for carbon reduction. This training also produces globally competitive, highly trained doctoral talent sought by industry for an acceleration in the growth of the low-carbon sector.”
The showcase is free for delegates to attend and tickets can be booked here. Delegates will have the opportunity to view and ride in a Toyota Mirai FCEV.