Each year, the University sets aside a budget to provide financial support to community groups and organisations across Charnwood.
The Open Fund – which supports the social, educational, cultural and physical wellbeing of people living in Charnwood – allows applicants to apply for up to £750.
To apply for the Open Fund, please complete the online application form and send to Sadie Gration by emailing s.gration@lboro.ac.uk.
Alternatively, applications can be posted to: Sadie Gration, Corporate Communications, Hazlerigg Building, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU.
All applications should be submitted no later than this Friday (2 November).
Please note the University receives a large number of applications, so not all projects may receive funding.
For more information about the criteria, the application process and to download an application form, visit the Open Fund webpage.