Loughborough University £10 charity challenge
More than 60 Loughborough University students took part in a novel charity challenge last month, collecting almost £1,000 for Rag – the student fundraising organisation – in just seven days.
The Great £10 Hall Challenge was inspired by Loughborough PhD student Alan Radbourne who – in June 2013 – set himself the goal of earning a graduate salary from an investment of just one pound.
Participating student teams were set a similar task, but with a larger investment of £10 each and the shorter time frame of a week.
Teams drawn from 13 of the University’s halls of residence undertook a range of activities including cooking, cleaning, and couriering breakfast across campus.
Emma Bishop, the Students’ Union’s Student Enterprise Engagement Manager, said: “We are delighted that the teams worked so hard and inventively to raise money for Rag – they demonstrated real enterprise, determination and enthusiasm.
“We plan to make the Challenge an annual contribution to Rag fundraising. Who knows who’ll win next year’s Challenge trophy – and what imaginative ways they’ll come up with to do it? Congratulations and a big thank you to everyone who took part.”