Buckingham Palace invitation for Loughborough innovator
Loughborough University Enterprise Award winner, Daniel Elford, is going to Buckingham Palace this evening for a special reception given by Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, in celebration of the technology sector’s contribution to the UK economy.
The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh will be joined by The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke of Gloucester, The Duke of Kent and The Duke of York, a long standing supporter of SMEs and the technology sector.
Daniel is representing Sonobex, a spin out company that designs and produces innovative noise reduction barriers and enclosures for road, rail, Industrial engineering and construction.
Daniel graduated from Loughborough’s Physics Department in 2007 and worked on the breakthrough noise reduction technology during his PhD. The team’s work attracted significant funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Royal Academy of Engineering, Technology Strategy Board, European Regional Development Fund and East Midlands Transport iNet, to accelerate its commercialisation.
Last April, capital was raised to form Sonobex, with Daniel appointed Chief Technology Officer. Earlier this year, Sonobex completed its first major investment round and went into global manufacture with Metsec plc.
A Member of the Institute of Physics and Member of the Institute of Acoustics, Daniel was awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowship in 2012.
Loughborough University Pro Vice Chancellor (Enterprise) Professor Steve Rothberg said: “The technology Daniel has helped to develop offers significant environmental and aesthetic benefits over existing noise reduction solutions. I’m delighted that Daniel’s achievements have been recognised at the Buckingham Palace reception, and he will continue to enjoy our full support for Sonobex.’’