Dr Richard Blanchard
Reader in Renewable Energy
Areas of expertise
Renewable energy; climate change; environmental impacts; energy transition; and sustainable development goal 7 – energy access
Richard specialises in energy systems. His research encompasses the role of renewable energy in development and climate change mitigation, photovoltaic and bioenergy systems (hybrid and microgeneration), resources, monitoring and sustainability topics such as lifecycle and environmental impact assessment.
Richard leads the Renewable Energy for Development Research (RE4D) Group investigating practical solutions to help contribute towards Sustainable Development Goal 7, to ensure universal affordable energy access across the global south. The research develops, sustainable designs and tests components, equipment, systems and appliances to help improve energy access and improve livelihoods and well-being in developing countries and other locations, whilst minimising environmental impacts.
Richard has participated on climate and energy news matters on Sky News Arabia (panel and interviews), Turkish TRT (panel), and France 24 interviews.
Interview booking
Please call the press office on +44 (0)1509 222224 to arrange an interview with Dr Richard Blanchard.