Commercialisation of research

The Commercialisation Team can help academics and researchers with their enterprise activity by assessing and developing ideas arising from their research which have the potential for commercial use or societal or environmental benefit. We then develop and implement plans to bring these ideas to market through licensing or SpinOuts.

Most of the projects we support have a commercial focus, but we can also actively support projects whose returns are non-commercial - such as social enterprises.

Our Intellectual Property Commercialisation Policy provides plenty of useful information and is substantially in line with the Government’s recommendations following the Independent review of university spin-out companies.

The Policy is available on the Legal Services website (find the Intellectual Property toggle in the A-Z listing). You will need your University username and password to log in and access the document.

We can manage the whole process

Meet the team

We hold regular Enterprise Clinics across campus as well as other enterprise-related events and initiatives. Visit the calendar to find out more – and to review Enterprise Funding Group deadlines and meetings.

Photograph of Nick Gostick

Dr Nick Gostick

Pronouns: He/him

Head of IP Management and Commercialisation

Image of Monalie

Dr Monalie Bandulasena

Pronouns: She/her

IP Management and Commercialisation Associate


Image of Paul

Dr Paul Burrows

Pronouns: He/him

IP Management and Commercialisation Manager


Photograph of Peter Collier

Peter Collier

Pronouns: He/him

IP Management and Commercialisation Manager

London, LBS and Science

Photograph of Pete Hitchings

Pete Hitchings

Pronouns: He/him

Incubator Manager

All Schools

Lamide Johnson

Lamide Johnson

Pronouns: He/him

Incubation and Acceleration Associate

Start ups and Spinouts

Roshna Mistry

Dr Roshna Mistry

Pronouns: She/her

IP Management and Commercialisation Manager


Photograph of Alex Taylor

Alex Taylor

Business Start-up Programme Lead

Start ups and Spinouts

Photograph of Andres Urena

Andres Urena

Pronouns: He/him

Business Start-up Programme Lead

Start ups and Spinouts