Performance and Development Review

PDR Reviewees

This section provides advice and guidance on how to prepare for, and what to expect in, your PDR. This page gives an overview of what to think about as you start to reflect on your past year and plan for the future.


Values The University’s Values are Adventurous, Authentic, Collaborative, Creative and Responsible.  As part of PDR, you are asked to reflect on how you have demonstrated these values over the past year and consider how you could incorporate the values into your proposed objectives. Further guidance is available in the PDR Values resource below.


‘Your Wellbeing’ is an optional section giving the opportunity to  mark your current wellbeing on a scale and include any comments relating to your wellbeing that may be impacting on your work.  Your PDR reviewer will have a conversation with you about your wellbeing in your meeting.  Please note that your Reviewer is not an expert in wellbeing but may signpost you to your local Wellbeing Champion, Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), Chaplaincy or Occupational Health as required.

Please do not document confidential information within the text box, although it would be useful to outline the general themes that would then allow the Reviewer to explore the most appropriate signposting opportunities.  Examples of themes include mental health, menopause, musculoskeletal issues, life events.

EDI Performance Objectives

As part of our strategy, the University has made a commitment to greater equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and is working towards becoming an anti-discriminatory organisation, i.e. to prioritise activities that identify and remove inequity, associated with protected characteristics and marginalised groups, as well as promote and progress equity and inclusion.  This can only be achieved if all members of staff make changes to the way they operate on a day-to-day basis.  This is why it is important for everyone to have an EDI performance objective in their PDR.  You may also have EDI_related development objectives, these should be captured in the Development Obvjectives section and marked as EDI using the dropdown provided.

Further guidance on EDI performance objectives is available in the information prepared by EDI Services.

Career Aspirations

‘Career Aspirations’ is an opportunity to include any thoughts you might have in relation to your career aspirations, even if that is just selecting from the dropdown box provided, and to outline any the support you might need.  This information will help your Reviewer to consider appropriate objectives that will support you in moving towards those aspirations; these could be in terms of your development or setting performance objectives that will stretch you or broaden your experience.

For Academic Colleagues, you might find it helpful to consider the promotion criteria for Research, Teaching and Enterprise (RTE) staff when completing this section.