Performance and Development Review

About PDR

The Performance and Development Review, also known as PDR, is an annual process which provides all staff with the valuable opportunity to reflect on their performance, potential and development needs.

PDR Developments

The University Leadership Group has approved several changes to PDR,for initial implementation 2024, including the permanent removal of ratings from PDR.

The online system guides you through sections on:

  • Review of the Past Year
  • Training and Development
  • Your Wellbeing
  • Proposed Objectives
  • Career Aspirations

The focus of the discussion should be centred on development within the role,wellbeing and future career development. These factors should be taken into consideration when reviewing progress against previous objectives and performance, and when setting objectives for the coming year.

There is an expectation that for everyone, the objectives set for the coming year should include:

• An EDI-related objective.

• At least a single ‘stretch’ objective, providing individuals with insight into how to excel in their role and progress in their career if they so wish.

• A minimum of one behavioural objective (linked to our Values- Adventurous, Authentic, Creative, Collaborative & Responsible) that will help to drive performance across the University.

Please find a video with further information from our VC Nick Jennings and Pauline Matturi. 

Available Support

This website contains all the information and resources needed, for Reviewers and Reviewees, to ensure all staff get the most out of their PDR.

There is no need to wait for PDR to reflect on personal wellbeing and seek support if appropriate. A range of measures are available on our staff wellbeing website, Health and Wellbeing, so please do make use of these.

If as a Reviewer or Reviewee you need further support, our Employee Assistance Programme is available to all staff.