Safeguarding means protecting everyone’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
Universities have duties under the law towards people who are experiencing abuse or neglect (or are at risk of either). This includes safeguarding children, vulnerable adults and our community.
Safeguarding children
There are a range of children (under 18s) that Loughborough University have a duty to safeguard. This may be children visitors onto campus, children who you as a student may come across whilst on placement or volunteering. Or children who you know in a personal capacity, younger siblings or children of friends.
Every child has the right to live free from abuse, exploitation and neglect.
Safeguarding vulnerable adults
Some Loughborough University students may become vulnerable adults whilst studying. Transitions into University and the academic career can have an impact on personal wellbeing, alongside disabling conditions or change in circumstances.
Loughborough University defines a vulnerable adult as:
- an individual over the age of 18;
- who lacks the capacity to take care of him or herself (i.e. at risk of neglect or self neglect); and/or
- who may be unable to keep him or herself safe from the risk of significant harm, abuse or exploitation, including the risk of radicalisation or being drawn into terrorism.
If you feel that you are at risk of exploitation, self-neglect or significant harm from another adult, we can offer help and support. You can report concerns via the Online incident reporting portal.
We will assess your individual need, ensure that the support empowers, and you are involved in decisions made about your care. We can look at the impact on your studies and work with you to keep you safe.
What if I think I'm at risk?
Contact the Police via 999 or if non-urgent (101)
There are a range of services on webpages linked to domestic violence including honour-based crimes and sexual violence.
We would encourage you to self-refer to Student Services for support by completing the online incident reporting portal.
What is Prevent?
Prevent is one part of the government’s overall counter-terrorism strategy, which is called CONTEST.
The aim of Prevent is to:
- tackle the ideological causes of terrorism
- intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation
- enable those who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate
Higher education plays an important role in protecting students from being drawn into radicalisation and/or acts of terrorism. The University has Prevent leads who provide a key source of information and are well-placed to understand and talk about the radicalisation risk to students.
It is the responsibility of all students, staff and visitors to the university to report any concerns they may have, however small. By doing so, it allows the Prevent leads to intervene at the earliest possible point and accurately assess the information before deciding what to do next. Reporting such concerns can be done anonymously.
How to report this to the university?
If you have concerns that someone may be being drawn into radicalisation, then you can report this to the university using our online reporting form. You may also wish to discuss this with a colleague or line manager, who can report on your behalf if you wish. The reports will be dealt with sensitively and dealt with by the University Safeguarding Lead. The most important thing is that someone reports it. If you want to discuss your concerns informational, we welcome you to contact our team by emailing,