Ordinance XVI
Students' Union
(Version effective from 24 July 2007)
- Pursuant Statute XVII the objectives of the Students' Union shall be to enrich and enhance the educational experience of its members as people as well as intellects and in particular to provide opportunities for members to develop their personal maturity, leadership and communication skills, to be the principal body representing its members' views and interests both within the institution and to the wider community, to enhance and enrich the cultural, athletic and social life of the campus and to provide help to students encountering problems with student life and to minimise the likelihood of those problems occurring.
- The affairs of the Students' Union shall be regulated by a Code of Practice approved by the University Council which shall ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that Loughborough Students' Union operates in a fair and democratic manner, is accountable for its finances, has appropriate health, safety, security, employment and data protection policies and procedures in place and that their effectiveness is monitored.
- The constitution of the Students' Union shall be approved by the University Council and shall set out the arrangements for the governance of the Union in pursuit of its objectives. The Constitution shall be binding on all members of the Union. It shall be reviewed by the University Council at intervals of not more than five years and any amendments to the constitution shall be approved by the University Council on the recommendation of Senate.
- All the registered students of the University shall be members of the Union unless they choose not to be in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act 1994.
- Membership of the Union shall be available to students of the Constituent Colleges other than the University and to other persons in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
- There shall be an annual subscription for each category of member other than the registered students of the University and of the constituent colleges and honorary members for whom no subscription is payable, and life members from whom a single subscription has been accepted in respect of life membership. Subscriptions shall be determined from time to time in accordance with the Constitution of the Union.
- The accounts of the Students' Union shall at the end of each financial year be audited by a public accountant in the active practice of their profession.
(remade July 2007)