It's Free Wills Month in March

Small yellow flowers amongst foliage. There are stones and rocks in the background.

Every March the nation marks Free Wills Month.

This UK-wide initiative brings together a network of selected solicitors and charities to offer members of the public a chance to write their Wills for free.

How does it work?

Members of the public over the age of 55 can simply contact one of the solicitors taking part in the Free Wills Month campaign and arrange an appointment to have their wishes recorded in a Will at no cost.

Some huge charities collaborate with this initiative every year.

As Loughborough University operates under exempt charity status, you can choose to leave a gift in your Will to us and possibly reduce inheritance tax liability, whilst ensuring your legacy with Loughborough continues into the future.

Your gift could help to support young scholars, research and University facilities for generations to come.

Find out more about leaving a gift in your Will to support the Loughborough family.