Contact us

Would you like to get in touch with a member of the Philanthropy team?

We would love to hear from you and we will be happy to arrange a meeting if you would like to have a conversation about making a gift to the University. You can contact us by email or phone on the details below.

Our office hours are 9:00am – 5:30pm Monday-Thursday, and 9:00am – 5:00pm on Fridays.

Rachel Third

Rachel Third

Pronouns: She/her

Director of Philanthropy, Alumni and Supporter Engagement

On maternity leave

Laura Hutchinson

Laura Hutchinson

Pronouns: She/her

Assistant Director, Philanthropy and Partnerships

Hayley Bailey

Hayley Bailey

Pronouns: She/her

Senior Development Manager

Hayley Boereboom

Hayley Boereboom

Pronouns: She/her

Senior Development Manager

Emma Barrs

Emma Barrs

Pronouns: She/her

Development Manager

Abigail Hampson

Abigail Hampson

Pronouns: She/her

Development Manager

Steph White

Steph White

Pronouns: She/her

Development Manager

Ben Adcock

Development Officer

Holly Tucker

Development Officer

Isabelle Winter

Pronouns: She/her

Development Officer

Darcy Hodges

Darcy Hodges

Pronouns: She/her

Supporter Relations Manager

Becks Jubb

Becks Jubb

Pronouns: She/they

Supporter Relations Officer