Religion and belief
Our students and staff enrich our community with their diverse cultures, religious, spiritual and philosophical beliefs.
We recognise that religion and belief can be of fundamental importance to the wellbeing of our students and staff and therefore, as a university, we are committed to supporting equity in relation to religion and belief for staff and students.
University Chaplaincy
The University Chaplaincy is made up of two resources – its people and its physical space.
A multi-faith team of chaplains and advisors are committed to supporting the welfare of students, staff, and alumni. They lead various, inclusive activities to promote wellbeing and facilitate worship for different faiths. Chaplains can also support and advice on matters of faith and belief as requested.
The University Chaplaincy is based upstairs in the Edward Herbert Building. This is a Chapel, a Muslim prayer room (with male and female ablution facilities), meeting rooms, a quiet room, and an area for working and meeting friends. Some rooms are available for booking by staff and students.
Campus facilities
The Chaplaincy provides a variety of spaces on campus to facilitate worship, prayer, reflection and hold group meetings. Facilities include a Chapel, Muslim Prayer Rooms, a Quiet Room and an ‘Oasis’ space to meet and chat.
Student Faith Groups
There are various student faith groups to get involved with. No matter what your faith background is, you are warmly welcomed to join any of these groups.
Religion and Belief Network
Work is currently underway to establish a Religion and Belief Network at the University. If you have any ideas or would like to express interest in this group, please contact the EDI team.
Religious Dress
At Loughborough, we welcome the wearing of religious and cultural dress in the workplace. In particular situations, health and safety considerations must take precedence in cases where the wearing of such dress would heighten a health and safety risk to yourself or others.