As a top ten University, we rely on the hard work, dedication and innovation of colleagues across our entire community. Developing a truly inclusive environment in which we can all succeed underpins everything that we do at Loughborough. Ensuring that there is equality of opportunity is fundamental to our success. Changing our gender pay gap is a long-term strategy that is influenced by the speed, or not, of societal change. We are committed to influencing change within our Loughborough community.
The Gender Pay Gap
What the gender pay gap is
The gender pay gap is a measure of the difference between men’s and women’s average earning across an organisation.
The gap itself is the percentage difference (mean and median) between average hourly earnings for men and women across the university irrespective of grade, job family or work undertaken.
The figure is significantly affected by the distribution of staff across the grades. This means that an institution with a high gender pay gap will have a staff population that sees lower grades predominately occupied by women and higher grades predominantly occupied by men.
What the gender pay gap is not
The gender pay gap is not an indication of how much more male employees are earning than females doing the same work. This concept is called equal pay, and the University undertakes an annual equal pay audit to ensure that men and women doing the same work are paid equitably.
What underpins our gender pay gap
There are a few key factors that impact Loughborough’s gender pay gap.
Whilst we are not the only university to be impacted by these factors, the combination means that our pay gap is higher than a number of other, seemingly similar, universities.
Our equal pay data
The gender pay gap differs from equal pay. Equal pay identifies differences in pay between men and women carrying out the same work, similar work or doing work of equal value. The University is committed to the principle of equal pay and through our commitments to the Athena SWAN charter, since 2009, we have undertaken regular equal pay audits, and, since 2015/16, full audits of pay have been annual. Where any discrepancies are identified, the University undertakes thorough and robust analysis to understand and address any issues.
Our Gender Pay Gap data as of 31st March 2022
48% of our staff are men and 52% are women.
Our gender pay data has improved from 2021
Mean gender pay gap
Women’s hourly rate is 21.99% which is a reduction from 23.43% in 2021
Median gender pay gap
Women’s hourly rate is 25.43% which is a reduction from 31.33% in 2021
The proportion of women in each pay quarter
At Loughborough University, women occupy 34.8% of the highest paid jobs and 67.3% of the lowest paid jobs.
Bonus pay
Mean bonus pay
Women’s bonus pay is 6.56% which means this has reduced from 9.16% in 2021
Median bonus pay
Women’s bonus pay is equal
The proportion of men and women receiving a bonus
The proportion of men receiving a bonus is 11% and the proportion of women receiving a bonus is 14%
Addressing the Gender Pay Gap
Our Human Resources Vision and Purpose outlines the University’s commitment to being an equitable and inclusive employer. University plans support the drive to increase the diversity of the workforce, including increasing the number of women in senior academic, management and leadership roles.