The Department of Physics hosts the Landau Seminar Series.
Upcoming seminars
Past seminars
Presenter(s): Presenter: Dr Naëmi Leo, Loughborough University -
Quantum Dynamical Emulation
Presenter(s): Presenter: Dr Gerard McCaul, Dept of Physics, Loughborough University -
The Physics of Can and Can't
Presenter(s): Presenter: Dr Chiara Marletto, Wolfson College, University of Oxford -
Topologically Ordered Matter and Why You Should be Interested
Presenter(s): Presenter: Prof. Steven Simon, University of Oxford -
Quadratic Solitons: from Enhanced Sensing to Single-Cycle Pulses
Presenter(s): Presenter: Robert Gray, Nonlinear Photonics Laboratory, Caltech, USA -
Texture-induced spin-orbit coupling and skyrmion-electron bound states in a Néel antiferromagnet
Presenter(s): Presenter: Dr Revaz Ramazashvili, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Bât. Université Paul Sabatier,Toulouse, France -
No-Go Theorems and Quantum Exceptional Points in Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics
Presenter(s): Presenter: Prof. Adam Miranowicz, Poland / RIKEN Institute, Japan -
Development and challenges of metal halide perovskite materials-based X-ray detectors
Presenter(s): Presenter: Dr. Ganbaatar Tumen-Ulzii, University of Cambridge -
The versatility of Lorentz microscopy for studying nanomagnetic systems
Confinement transitions and quench dynamics of monopoles and strings in spin ice
Thinking with Nanomagnets
Mechanistic insights into polymerization-induced self-assembly using maleimide-based fluorophores
Riding the Wave of Green Change: Advancing Wave-Based Reservoir Computing for Sustainable AI
Optical frequency combs generation in fiber Fabry-Pérot resonators
Disorder in Nanophotonics: Blessing or Curse?
Microbeam Radiation Therapy: Narrow X-rays for big impact
Spin-dependent transport phenomena in nanostructures
Unconventional Transport in 1D Quantum Magnets
Astro Combs Applications and Requirements
Exploring Ultrafast Processes of Low-Dimensional Ferromagnets and Spin-Orbit Torque Devices
From the Growth to the Exploitation of 2D Materials
Planckian Electrons and Phonons in Cuprates
Low-cost Magnetic Resonance to Determine the Quality and Authenticity of Foods
Magnetic data storage technology; from the invention of PMR to the social integration
Picosecond spin pumping in antiferromagnet-heavy metal heterostructures
Quantum electrodynamics of non-demolition detection of single microwave photon
Dielectrowetting for dewetting
Kinetic constraints vs chaos in classical many-body dynamics
High-Order Coupled Cluster Method Applied to Lattice Quantum Spin Systems
Brain Inspired Computing using Memristors
Artificial Spin Systems: Frustration, computation, and new dimensions
Quantum Reservoir Computing
Low-energy collective spin fluctuations in ruthenates and cuprates
Induced Functionalities by Symmetry Breaking
BORIS Computational Spintronics
Self emerging laser cavity solitons as dominant attractor of a microcomb system
Phononic Frequency Combs
Superconducting Quantum Millimeter-Waves and Terahertz Electronics
Enhanced magnon transport through an amorphous magnetic insulator and the orbital moment in Fe3O4
Two-dimensional semiconductors: A window into the quantum behaviour of electrons
Controlling magnetism and spin dynamics by carrier doping in van der Waals magnet Cr2Ge2Te6
High Tc cuprate superconductors: Ordering and quantum criticality
Trajectory-Based Approach to Quantum Thermodynamics
Elucidating possible crystallographic origins of wake-up mechanisms in ferroelectric hafnia
Heterostructured scintillators, a cooperative approach to radiation detection
Lagrangians in integrable systems: a variational principle for symmetries
Dynamic Light Scattering for non-invasive diagnosis of blood and blood microcirculation
Rectangle-triangle soft-matter quasicrystals with hexagonal symmetry
Study of operation of the coherent superconducting phase slip centres
Nanoelectronics in 2D
Quantum thermometry in action: Enhanced release–recapture thermometry in ultracold gases
High-pressure electrical and thermal properties in MnSi
Magnetism and spin dynamics control by carrier doping in van der Waals magnet Cr2Ge2Te6 - CANCELLED
Higher order van Hove singularities in two-dimensional bands
From topological magnetism to topological superconductivity
The Stress-Induced Lifshitz Transition in Sr2RuO4
Mars Sample Return and the Double Walled Isolator
Superconducting pure spin currents generated via spin-orbit coupling
Nanoscale magnetism in human biology and biomedicine
Superconducting hardware for Quantum Computing
Nanoscale spin transport in metals
Exploring a New Family of S = ½ Kagomé Antiferromagnets
Biophysics and artificial tissue
The superconductivity and Lifshitz transition of Sr2RuO4 under uniaxial stress - CANCELLED
Landau seminar: Highly Frustrated Quantum Magnets and Their Quantum Phase Diagrams
Navigation of Active Microbial Cells
Dr Sven Friedemann (Bristol) - TBA
Dr. Hidekazu Kurebayashi (UCL) - TBA
Prof. Stephen Marshall (Strathclyde) - TBA
Can humans simulate being other humans?
Dr Stephen Rowley
Optimal Solid State Neurons
Quantum order at infinite temperature, time crystals, and dissipation
Layered Material Heterostructures: A new twist on 2D materials
Quantum annealing in a degenerate two-level system