This section will keep you up-to-date with all the latest events regarding Physics.
Past events
Presenter(s): Presenter: Dr Naëmi Leo, Loughborough University -
Frustration in Magnetism
Presenter(s): Dr Naëmi Leo -
Quantum Dynamical Emulation
Presenter(s): Presenter: Dr Gerard McCaul, Dept of Physics, Loughborough University -
The Physics of Can and Can't
Presenter(s): Presenter: Dr Chiara Marletto, Wolfson College, University of Oxford -
Topologically Ordered Matter and Why You Should be Interested
Presenter(s): Presenter: Prof. Steven Simon, University of Oxford -
Quadratic Solitons: from Enhanced Sensing to Single-Cycle Pulses
Presenter(s): Presenter: Robert Gray, Nonlinear Photonics Laboratory, Caltech, USA -
Texture-induced spin-orbit coupling and skyrmion-electron bound states in a Néel antiferromagnet
Presenter(s): Presenter: Dr Revaz Ramazashvili, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Bât. Université Paul Sabatier,Toulouse, France -
No-Go Theorems and Quantum Exceptional Points in Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics
Presenter(s): Presenter: Prof. Adam Miranowicz, Poland / RIKEN Institute, Japan -
Workshop: Methods for Static and Dynamic Properties of Correlated Quantum Matter
Mott Lecture 2024: Professor Franco Nori
Presenter(s): Professor Franco Nori, Chief Scientist at Theoretical Quantum Physics Laboratory, RIKEN, Japan also at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.