- 2018-present, Lecturer, Loughborough University, Department of Mathematical Sciences
- 2010-2018, Distinguished PKS Fellow, then Staff Member, Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden
- 2008-2010, Postdoc, Universiteit Utrecht
- 2005-2008, Postdoc, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- 2002-2005, PhD, Imperial College London
- 1999-2002, Undergraduate, Imperial College London
Research Interests
Various topics in (Quantum) Many-Body Dynamics
Selected Recent Publications
- Yevgeny Bar Lev and Achilleas Lazarides, Discrete time-crystals in unbounded potentials (2024), Phys. Rev. Lett., in press
- Benedikt Kloss, Jad C. Halimeh, Achilleas Lazarides and Yevgeny Bar Lev. Absence of localization in interacting spin chains with a discrete symmetry,(2023). Nat. Commun. 14, 3778
- Aydin Deger, Achilleas Lazarides, and Sthitadhi Roy. Constrained dynamics and directed percolation, 2022. Phys. Rev. Lett, 129, 190601 (selected as Editors’ Suggestion)
- Aydin Deger, Sthitadhi Roy, and Achilleas Lazarides. Arresting classical many-body chaos by kinetic constraints. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 160601 (2022).
- Pedro Ribeiro, Achilleas Lazarides, and Masudul Haque. Many-body quantum dynamics of initially trapped systems due to a stark potential: thermalization versus bloch oscillations. Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 110603 (2020).
- Vedika Khemani, Achilleas Lazarides, Roderich Moessner, and Shivaji L Sondhi. Phase structure of driven quantum systems. Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 250401 (2016).
- Achilleas Lazarides, Arnab Das, and Roderich Moessner. Fate of many-body localization under periodic driving. Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 030402 (2014).
- Achilleas Lazarides, Arnab Das, and Roderich Moessner. Equilibrium states of generic quantum systems subject to periodic driving. Phys. Rev. E, 90, 012110 (2014)-- selected as the 2014 Physical Review E 25th Anniversary Milestone.
Selected Recent Invited Talks
- 07/2024: "Windsor2024: Dynamics of Complex Quantum Systems", Windsor, UK
- 06/2024: "Bridging the themes of mathematics, physics and simulations of quantum many-body chaos", Helsinki, FI
- 06/2024: University of Goettingen Seminar, Goettingen, DE, invited speaker.
- 02/2024: University of Warwick Seminar, Coventry, UK, invited speaker.
- 11/2023: Fifth Nottingham Workshop on Quantum Non-Equilibrium Dynamics, Nottingham, UK, invited speaker.
- 09/2023: University of Birmingham Theoretical Physics Seminar, Birmingham, UK, invited speaker.
- 07/2023: DesOEQ 2023 Meeting, Glasgow, UK, invited speaker.
- 06/2023: IQTN workshop on Tensor networks for quantum many-body dynamics, Edinburgh, UK, invited speaker.
- 05/2023: University of Oxford Condensed Matter Seminar, Oxford, UK, invited speaker.
- 08/2022: CMD29, Broken Ergodicity and Localisation Mini-Colloquium--European Condensed Matter physics meeting, Manchester, UK, invited speaker.
- 07/2022: Windsor2022: Dynamics of Complex Quantum Systems, Windsor, UK, invited speaker.
- 05/2022: From Quantum Chaos to Thermalization, Technion, IL, invited speaker.
- 03/2022 TEDxBITSHyderabad, Hyderabad, IN, invited speaker.
- 10/2021 Tenth International Conference of the Hellenic Crystallographic Association, Athens, GR, Keynote speaker.
- 08/2020 IACS Condensed Matter Seminar, IACS Kolkatta seminar, online, invited speaker.
- 05/2020 “Quantum Matter Meets Maths”, Lisbon seminar, online, invited speaker.
- 11/2019 University of Leeds Seminar, Leeds, UK, Invited seminar.
- 09/2019 DesOEQ Meeting, Oxford,UK, Invited speaker.
- 07/2019 Focus workshop “Emergence from Non-Equilibrium physics”, Condensed Matter Physics in the City, London, UK, Invited Speaker.
- 05/2019 University of Cambridge TCM Seminar, Cambridge, UK, Invited seminar.
- 08/2018 Summer School on Collective Behaviour in Quantum Matter, ICTP, Trieste, IT, Invited lecturer.
- 03/2018 Workshop on Chaos and Dynamics in Correlated Quantum Matter, Dresden, DE, MPI-PKS, Invited speaker.
- 02/2018 University of Loughborough Seminar, Loughborough, UK, Invited seminar.
- 01/2018 University of Nottingham TCM Seminar, Nottingham, UK, Invited seminar.
- 01/2018 University of Augsburg CM Seminar, Augsburg, DE, Invited seminar.
- 12/2017 ICTP Seminar, Trieste, IT, Invited seminar.
- 08/2017 Advanced Working Group on Quantum Dynamics in Real Systems, Cam-
bridge, UK, Invited participant. - 09/2016 King’s College London Seminar, London, UK, Invited seminar.
- 07/2016 Floquet16 Focus Workshop, MPI-PKS, Dresden, DE, Invited speaker.
- 06/2016 IMPRS Summer School on Floquet Physics, Wroclaw, PL, Invited lecturer.
- 08/2016 Advanced Working Group on Many-Body Localisation, Cambridge, UK, Invited speaker.
- 03/2016 APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA, Invited speaker.
- 09/2015 PCTS Workshop “The Non-Equilibrium Quantum Frontier”, PCTS, Princeton, NJ, USA, Invited speaker.
- 09/2015 UK Network on Emergence and Physics far from Equilibrium, Oxford, UK, Invited Speaker.
- 03/2015 03/2015 German Physical Society (DPG) Spring Meeting, Berlin, DE, Invited Speaker.
- Workshop on Many-Body Dynamics Out of Equilibrium, MPI-PKS, Dresden, DE, Invited Participant.
- 02/2015 University of Oldenburg Colloquium, UCL,UK, Invited Colloquium.
- 12/2014 UCL Seminar, London, UK, Invited seminar.
- 12/2014 Imperial College London Condensed Matter Seminar, London, UK, Invited seminar.
- 11/2014 Cambridge TCM Seminar, Cambridge, UK, Invited seminar.
- 08/2014 TU Berlin Seminar, Berlin, DE, Invited seminar.
- External examiner for Universities of Aarhus, Cambridge, Leeds
- Panelist for EPSRC Physical Sciences panel
- Grant proposal reviewer for EPSRC (UK), ERC (EU), NSF (US), FWO (Belgium), NWO (Netherlands), ISF (Israel)
- Reviewer for journals: Nature Physics, Nature Communications, PRL/X/E/B, Quantum, EPL, others
- MAC175--Operational Research
- MAA901--Mathematics for Physics