2024 Geometry and Mathematical Physics Seminars
Discrete Lagrangian multiforms: are integrable quad equations variational?
Presenter(s): Mats Vermeeren -
Towards Homological Mirror Symmetry for log del Pezzo surfaces
Presenter(s): Giulia Guggiati -
Wavefunction reduction in the quantum integrable systems
Presenter(s): Evgeny Sklyanin -
Type II degenerations of K3 surfaces of degree 4
Presenter(s): James Jones -
Anti-self-dual Equations and Related Differential Equations
Presenter(s): Prim Plansangkate -
Differential algebra of polytopes and inversion formulas
Presenter(s): Alexander Veselov -
Spherical surfaces and their moduli spaces
Presenter(s): Dmitri Panov -
When a cubic 3-fold is equivariantly rational?
Presenter(s): Ivan Cheltsov -
Modular forms and invariant theory
Presenter(s): Fabien Cléry -
The Brown complex of a finite reductive group
Presenter(s): Damiano Rossi