Dynamical Systems Seminars
Past events
On phase at a resonance in slow-fast Hamiltonian systems
Presenter(s): Yuyang Gao -
Generating synthetic data for analysing multifractal Brownian signals
Presenter(s): Chris Keylock -
Random Pisot substitutions and their Rauzy fractals
Presenter(s): Dan Rust -
Linear response due to singularities
Presenter(s): Wael Bahsoun -
Dynamical covering arguments via large deviations and non-convex optimization
Presenter(s): Alex Rutar -
Quenched linear response for random systems with a nonuniform decay of correlations
Presenter(s): Davor Dragičević -
Clustering in cellular automata modelling tropical forest-grassland landscapes
Presenter(s): Jan Sieber -
Sparse spectrally rigid sets for negatively curved manifolds
Presenter(s): Stephen Cantrell -
Physical measures for impulsive perturbations of Lorenz flows
Presenter(s): José F. Alves -
Thermodynamics of smooth models of pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms
Presenter(s): Dominic Veconi -
The dynamics of the Fibonacci partition function
Presenter(s): Tom Kempton -
Almost automorphic and bijective factors of substitution shifts
Presenter(s): Reem Yassawi -
Topology and stability of integrable Hamiltonian systems
Times 2,3,5 actions on T^2
Satellite renormalisations and small divisors
Constructing equilibrium states for some partially hyperbolic attractors
Processing and distributing randomness
Finite-time stabilisation by slow-timescale forcing
Decay of correlations in random dynamical systems
Extreme eigenvalues of random matrices
Aperiodic Tilings
Appell Integral Transfrom ( the easy way to make new martingales), and some of its applications
Spectral approximation of evolution operators using dynamical mode decomposition
Almost Anosov flows
Rigidity and flexibility in dynamical systems
Rigorous calculations of intermittent statistics
Deterministic homogenisation for fast-slow systems with slowly mixing fast dynamics