Analysis Seminars
Past events
Decoherence, the Hormander condition and subRiemannian geometry
Presenter(s): Roman Schubert -
Asymptotic Properties for the Spectrum of Semiregular Global Systems
Presenter(s): Marcello Malagutti -
Variations on Liouville's theorem
Presenter(s): Eugene Shargorodsky -
Singular damped waves on manifolds
Presenter(s): Ruoyu Wang -
Strong and weak confinement in the Freud ensemble of random matrices
Presenter(s): Igor Krasovsky -
The pseudospectrum of an operator with Bessel-type singularities: analytical and computational persp
Presenter(s): Lyonell Boulton -
Iteration of quasiregular mappings
Presenter(s): Dan Nicks -
Heat flow regularisation, Brascamp—Lieb inequality, and convex geometry
Presenter(s): Shohei Nakamura -
Best Lipschitz constants for mapping n points onto a grid
Presenter(s): Michael Dymond -
A kinetic perspective on Fourier extension operators
Non diagonalisable hyperbolic systems and Levi conditions
Schauder estimates on products of cones
Weyl laws and closed geodesics on typical manifolds
Bulk spacings in non-Hermitian matrix models
Spectral projectors via analytic number theory
Diagonal Behaviour of the Density Matrix for Coulombic Wavefunctions
CLR type bounds for a magnetic Schrödinger operator in two dimensions