Prior to being a Reader, I was a Senior Research Fellow funded by a Royal Society Shuttleworth Education Research Fellowship.
I lecture mathematics and research mathematics education and assessment. I obtained my PhD in Mathematics Education at the University of Warwick and worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham before moving to Loughborough University as a Senior Research Fellow funded by the Royal Society. Prior to this I worked as a Research Assistant on many projects at several universities, and was a school teacher for ten years.
Other roles
I lead on several mathematics and education modules. My teaching duties also include developing STACK assessments for use in modules across the university. I am the Departmental Enterprise Coordinator for the MEC and the Mental Health First Aider for the Schofield Building. I am also a member of Loughborough University's UCU committee with the portfolio of Personal Case Work Coordinator.
Recent grants
2022. Spencer Foundation. Improving conceptual understanding of university mathematics through comparing and contrasting students’ mathematical writing.
- 2021. Royal Society. Feedback and cognition: what is the role of prior knowledge? With Igor' Kontorovich (University of Auckland).
- 2019. Psychology of Mathematics Education. University teachers grow new teaching insights from common responses of their students. With Igor' Kontorovich (University of Auckland).
- 2017-2020. Higher Education Academy. Enabling better online assessment in mathematics. With Tim Lowe Hunt and Tim Hunt (Open University) and Chris Sangwn (University of Edinburgh).
- 2017-2019. British Academy. The role of teacher knowledge and classroom resources in understanding equivalence relations in mathematics. With Şimşek, Iro Xenidou-Dervou and Jodie Hunter (Massey University, New Zealand).
- 2013-2016. Nuffield Foundation. Measuring conceptual understanding: The case of teaching with abstract and concrete representations. With Matthew Inglis and Camilla Gilmore. [project page]
- 2014-2015. No More Marking Ltd. Developing secondary education progress measures in Mathematics and English.
- 2009-2014. Royal Society Shuttleworth Education Research Fellowship. Removing the mismatch between intentions and outcomes in GCSE mathematics.
- 2013. AQA. Investigating standards across A-level mathematics syllabuses. With Matthew Inglis.
Research areas
- Students' understanding of equivalence relations.
- Algebraic thinking.
- Improving the quality and validity of mathematics summative assessment using Comparative Judgement and STACK.
- Automated feedback and mathematics assessments.
- Standards and validity in examinations.
Visit my personal website and see my publications.
- Member of the Higher Education Pedagogy group.
- I sat on the Royal Vision Committee for Science and Mathematics Education 5-19.
- I was secretary of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics.
- I currently sit on the Editorial Board of Research in Mathematics Education and the International Journal of Research and Method in Education.
- I am the scientific advisor to No More Marking Ltd.
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
- Member of the STACK International Advisory Board.
- Departmental Enterprise Coordinator for the MEC.
- Lead developer on the STACK project to create online mathematics assessments for use across the university.
- UCU departmental representative for the MEC.
- Personal Casework Coordinator on Loughborough University UCU committee.
- Mental Health First Aider for Schofield Building.
- PhD supervision: Hannah Morley, Tom Francome, Melanie Casha-Sammut, Depy Makri.