An investigation into emotions during reading of mathematical texts
Participant Information Sheet
Investigators Details:
Dr Bethany Woollacott,, 01509225939
Dr Anselm Strohmaier,
School of Science, Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU.
You are invited to take part in our study! This information sheet should help you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. If you have further questions then please contact one of the investigators using the details above.
What is the purpose of the study?
This study aims to develop understanding of emotion during mathematical reading, e.g. stress, calmness, or anxiety. There is little research in this area but we hope to understand whether different types of mathematical texts affect emotional behaviour as well as reading behaviour. To measure your emotional reactions, we will use electro-dermal activity monitors attached to velcro straps which wrap around your fingers. This is entirely nonintrusive. These monitors will measure heart rate and sweat gland activity (i.e. 'clammy hands'). We will also use eye-tracking software which tracks your eyes whilst you read. This is also entirely non-intrusive and helps us to understand how you are reading the text and which aspects of the text might be causing different emotions.
Who is doing this research and why?
The main investigators are Dr Bethany Woollacott and Dr Anselm Strohmaier, and they are supported by research assistants Javaria Abdur-Rehman and Dua'a Hamdan who will be conducting the experiments. Bethany and Anselm are both interested in how we read mathematical texts and why this reading in mathematics is thought of as particularly hard
compared to other subjects. They received funding for this research from the Centre of Mathematical Cognition at Loughborough University.
Are there any inclusion or exclusion criteria?
To participate in this study you must have normal or corrected-to-normal vision, be aged 18 years or above and be an undergraduate NOT studying mathematics.
Additionally, we ask that you wear minimal eye makeup and do not use moisturiser or hand cream before completing the study. This is because such products can interfere with the equipment.
What will I be asked to do?
The instructor (Javaria or Dua'a) will first ask you to complete an informed consent form to ensure that you are happy to take part.
Then, the instructor will use velcro straps to attach the electro-dermal activity monitors to your non-dominant hand. This is the device that will measure your heart rate and sweat gland activity. Once this is set-up, you will be shown a short video of fish swimming.
Then, you will be given a booklet to complete. The booklet contains a pre-questionnaire which asks about some of your general emotions, including mathematics anxiety. It also contains a short reading test and mathematics test so that we can properly interpret how you read the mathematical texts later. It also contains several demographic questions,
including your age, gender and mathematical qualifications.
Finally, we will begin the reading part of the study and this will be when we start to measure your eye movements. The instructor will set the eye-tracker up. Then, you will be asked to read eight mathematical texts and, after each one, you will be asked some questions about your emotions and three questions about the content of the text. You will also see more videos of fish swimming.
How long will it take?
The study will take between 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete.
Once I take part, can I change my mind?
After you have read this information and asked any questions you may have, then you are welcome to book yourself into a testing session. In your session, before we do anything, we will ask you to complete an Informed Consent Form.
However, if at any time, before, during or after the sessions you wish to withdraw from the study, please speak to the test instructor or contact the main investigator. You can withdraw at any time, for any reason and you will not be asked to explain your reasons for withdrawing.
However, once the results of the study are aggregated, it may not be possible to withdraw your individual data from the research because the resultant data will be anonymised.
Will I be asked to attend any sessions and where will these be?
You will be asked to attend one session as part of this study. This will take place in one of the testing laboratories at the Loughborough University main campus, and will be arranged via email correspondence if you decide to take part.
What are the possible benefits of participating?
You will be compensated with a £10 Love 2Shop voucher for your time.
Are there any disadvantages or risks in participating?
This study presents no immediate risks to your health and well-being. However, in the case that the study triggers any anxious thoughts, you can access this website for support (
Data Protection Privacy Notice
Loughborough University will be using information/data from you in order to undertake this study and will act as the data controller for this study. This means that the University is responsible for looking after your information and using it properly.
What personal information will be collected from me and how will it be used?
No personal information that is identifiable will be collected in this study.
What is the legal basis for processing my personal information?
Personal data will be processed on the public task basis. For further details on the data protection legislation see the Information Commissioner's Office website.
How long will my identifiable personal information be retained and will it be shared with others?
We will keep identifiable personal information for at least 5 years after the study has finished. Your identifiable personal information will only be shared with the investigators involved in the study.
Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?
No identifiable personal information will be included in any of the project submissions or shared beyond the investigators. No individual will be identifiable in any report, presentation, or publication.
How will the anonymised data/results collected from me be used?
Your anonymised data will be used as part of a funded collaborative project. It will also be made available for reuse by other researchers, as well as in potential journal publications and conferences in the future. All information will be securely stored on the University IT systems (OneDrive).
How long will the anonymised data/results be retained?
Anonymised data will be archived to the University’s Research Repository and held indefinitely for future research.
I have some more questions; who should I contact?
If you have any further questions, before or after the study, please contact Bethany Woollacott in the first instance, using the details on the top of this information sheet.
What if I am not happy with how the research was conducted?
If you are not happy with how the research was conducted, please contact the Secretary of the Ethics Review Sub-Committee, Research & Enterprise Office, Hazlerigg Building, Loughborough University, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3TU. Tel: 01509 222423.
The University also has policies relating to Research Misconduct and Whistle Blowing which are available online at
internal/research-ethics-integrity/research-integrity/. If you require any further informationregarding the General Data Protection Regulations, please see: