Yu, also known as Emily, is a first year PhD student in the Department of Materials in the School of AACME, (Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering), since 2019.
Before she came to Loughborough University, Yu achieved a bachelor's degree in Inorganic Non-metallic Materials and Engineering at Shanghai University in China. Yu then participated in the LCMP programme (2017-2019) at Loughborough University before becoming a PhD student.
Within the LCMP programme, she graduated with an MSc in Materials Science and Technology in 2019.
In her recent research, Yu focussed on Biopolymers with Controllable Sizes and Morphologies for In Situ Additive Tissue Manufacturing.
- LCMP distinction award - Loughborough University, 2018
- Essential teaching skills A-D - Loughborough University Doctoral College, 2019
- Teaching Assistant, CGB024, Bioengineering Design & Make
Outline of main research interests:
- Manufacturing controllable size and morphology polymeric particles
- The interaction of cells and cells, cells and materials
- The effect of size and morphology on cell behaviours
- Tissue assembly for developmental engineering (DE)