Department of Materials


Dr Bjorn Cleton

Photo of Dr Bjorn Cleton

University Teacher in AACME


Bjorn received his B.ASc. in Aeronautical Engineering from Inholland University of applied science, Delft, Netherlands in 2011. After completion he went into industry to work as a piping engineer on projects for Shell as well as Total designing oil rigs. Subsequently he went on to work as Jr. Project Engineer solving problems related to incorrectly designed piping structures in the Rotterdam harbour. In 2013 he completed an MSc. in Thermal Power (option Aerospace) at Cranfield University. Following the completion of his MSc. he started a PhD in aerospace at the same university. During his PhD he also worked on an experimental project for Rolls-Royce as well as helping to organise multiple gas turbines weeks at Cranfield University. Upon completion of his PhD in 2017 he started working at the University of Bath as research associate on an ESPRC funded experimental project before joining Loughborough University in April 2019.


2017 PhD. in Aerospace, Cranfield University

  • “Variable geometry exhaust system for low specific thrust turbofans”

2013 MSc. Thermal Power (Options Aerospace Propulsion), Cranfield University

2011 B.ASc. Auronautical Engineering, Inholland University of applied science, Delft

