Workshop presented by various people including Prof. Jason Zhiyong Ren, visiting fellow
Workshop - Circular economy: Nexus with water, energy, resources and beyond. Presented By Various, including from Prof. Jason Zhiyong Ren, Princeton University, visiting fellow of Loughborough Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS).
About this event
- 10:15-10:50 registration and coffee
- 10:50-11:00 Welcome and introduction of CE Chemical Centre
- 11:00-13:00 Academic talks
- 13.00-14.00 Lunch
- 14.00-15.00 Plenary/CE webinar by Prof. Jason Zhiyong Ren, Princeton University
Title: The decarbonization and digitalization of water and associated industries
Abstract: Water underpins every aspect of life and economy, and the water industry is in the middle of a paradigm shift toward decarbonization and digitalization. The water sector has a unique carbon footprint and contribution to a circular economy, as it directly and indirectly influences the operation and GHG emissions of other sectors such as energy, agriculture, and chemical industries. In this talk, I will share some of the recent progress in recognizing the roles and accomplishing the goals of water and wastewater in industry decarbonization including waste carbon valorization, carbon capture and utilization, electrolysis using impaired water sources, as well as how to use data science tools to optimize water infrastructure management and decision making.
- 15.00-15.15 Coffee break
- 15:15-16:30 Industrial talks and discussion
- 16:30-16.45 Wrap up and Close
- 16.45-18.00 Network mixing (Refreshments including wine and cheese, street food) (outdoors if weather permits)
We will send a detailed program of the day closer to the event.
Contact and booking details
- Booking information
- Please register for the event by completing the online form