Research and expertise
I graduated from NIT University with a degree in survey engineering. Then I continued my Master's degree in hydraulic engineering. During my MSc, I improved the adaptive refinement using a mesh-less method.
I started my PhD with Loughborough University in October 2022, focusing on "Modelling sediment transport in shallow overland flows".
Recently completed research projects
- Error Estimate and Adaptive Refinement in Bedload Sediment Transport uses Least Squares Meshless Method (Master project)
Recent publications
- M. R. Lashkariani and A. R. Firoozjaee, “An improved node moving technique for adaptive analysis using collocated discrete least squares meshless method,” Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., vol. 130, pp. 322–331, 2021, doi:
I contribute to learning and teaching activities across the Schools programmes including:
- Research Support, lab tutorials
- Measurement of Complex Structures
- BIT role in surveying outdoor practical classes