Research and expertise
I have over 15 years’ experience researching structural mechanics, structural analysis and structural design both for academia and industrial R&D. My research interests encompass steel structures (including re-used, stainless and high strength steels), nonlinear structural mechanics, 3D-printed polymer structural components, glass-polymer structural composites, structural fire safety, structural reliability analysis, metallic foams, and timber structures.
I have experience in delivering Innovation research with industry, particularly in renewable energy technology, biopolymers, and re-used structural steel.
I am currently the Lead Academic (PI) on the StegoSolar project developing metallic heatsinks for solar PV cells optimized for the Nigerian solar energy market, funded by the Innovate UK African Innovation Collaborations for Net Zero places funding call (IUK/10103130). This is a collaboration between solar energy technology companies and academic institutions in the UK and Nigeria.
Current research activity
- April 2024 – March 2025: StegoSolar research collaboration developing heat sinks for solar PV cells optimized for the Nigeria energy market, Innovate UK “African Innovation Collaborations for Net Zero Places” funding call (IUK/10103130)
Recently completed research projects
- 2024: Innovate UK Accelerated Knowledge Transfer Partnership with FlexSea Ltd., developing 3D-printed seaweed biopolymers for construction applications
- 2024: Innovate UK Accelerated Knowledge Transfer Partnership with EMR Ltd., investigating rapid strength grading test methods for re-used steels
- 2023: Adaptive biocomposite 3D printing based on industrial robotics, EPSRC ConnectedEverthing Network+ (EP/S036113/1)
- 2023: Innovate UK Accelerated Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Symmetrys Ltd., FerrousWheel digital design tool for structural steel re-use
- 2021–23: SCRAM (Sustainable Construction through Robotic Additive Manufacturing), “Sectoral Bridging Studies” funding call from EPSCRC Manufacturing Symbiosis Network+ (EP/S036091/1)
- 2021–22: IStructE MSc Research Award – fire fuel load contribution of timber products
Recent publications
- McCann, F. Rossi, S.D. Sultan. 2024. Experimental analysis and design of 3D-printed polymer elliptical tubes in compression. Applied Sciences, 14(17):7673.
- A. Olonade, R. Shamass, F. McCann, Y.O. Abiodun, R. Jin, F. Rossi. 2023. Comparative analyses of circularity practices in civil and construction engineering between UK and Nigeria. Nano World Journal, 9(2):484–490.
- McCann, S.D. Sultan, H. John, F. Rossi, C. Udeaja, R. Jin, A. Gillich 2021. Developing a circular economy in recycled polymer construction materials. Proc. IDoBE International Conference 2021, November 2021, London, UK.
- McCann, D. Wang. 2021. Fire performance of connections between highstrength steel tubular members. ce/papers: Proceedings in Civil Engineering, 4(2-4) Special Issue: EUROSTEEL 2021 Sheffield, September 2021, 1255–1263.
- McCann, F. Rossi. 2021. Investigating local buckling in highly slender elliptical hollow sections through analysis of 3D-printed analogues. Proc. 8th International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures, Łodz University of Technology, Poland, July 12-14, 2021.
- McCann. 2021. Analysis and design of recycled glass bead sandwich panels in bending. Composite Structures, 265:113730.
I currently lead and teach on modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, in addition to supervising student projects
- CVA055/102/123/127/129: Cross-School Collaborative Design Weeks
- CVA104 Mathematical Modelling of Structures
- CVC105 Sustainable Development and Stakeholder Engagement
- CVD021 Integrated Design Project (Architectural Engineering)
- CVP370 Low-Carbon Materials for Construction
Summary of projects
- 2022-23: Structural performance testing of composite timber I-joists (Metsä Wood UK)
- 2022: Structural testing of laminated timber composite slabs (University College London)
- 2020-23: Environmental conditioning of novel structural timber cassettes (Sir Robert McAlpine)
- 2018: Structural testing of composite concrete-timber T-beams (University College London)
- 2017-21: Structural / mechanical testing of recycled glass bead sandwich panels (Vitromite Ltd.)
- 2017-19: Structural testing of components for modular timber housing (Milner Associates / TopHat Industries)
My research background is originally in steel structural stability, having achieved my PhD on the topic at Imperial College London in 2012. Thereafter, I worked as an Innovation Engineer for Heerema Marine Contractors, analysing and testing subsea pipeline infrastructure. In 2013, while also continuing part-time with Heerema, I re-joined Imperial College as a Research Associate on the EU-funded FRISCC project to extend the provisions of European structural standard EN 1994-1-1 to concrete-filled steel elliptical hollow sections. I have also previously conducted structural engineering consultancy for GL&SS Engineering, a specialist structural design house based in London.
In October 2015, I joined London South Bank University as a Senior Lecturer in Structural Engineering. I have been principal and co-investigator on a number of UKRI-funded research projects, in addition to securing and leading a number of commercial collaborations with industry partners. I was Course Leader for their MSc Civil Engineering and MSc Structural Engineering courses, and in April 2022, I was promoted to Associate Professor of Structural Engineering.
In May 2024, I joined Loughborough University as a Senior Lecturer in Structures, within the Civil Engineering group of the School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering.
Professional affiliations
- Chartered Engineer (CEng)
- Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (MICE)
- Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (MIMechE)
- Member of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (MIMA)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Institution of Structural Engineers Student Award 2007, Best Final Year Project (Ireland region)
External activities
- 2014: External Review Panel member for provision of postgraduate Research degrees at Cork Institute of Technology
- 2014: Provided expert witness evidence for legal case surrounding a structural collapse
- Since 2016: Member of Engineering Mechanics Institute Special Committee on Structural Stability
- 2018: External Validation Panel member for BSc Civil Engineering apprenticeships at Suffolk New College
Key collaborators
I collaborate with various academic institutions and stakeholders from the construction industry:
- Academia: Imperial College London, London South Bank University, University College London, Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon), Universitat Politècnica de València
- Industry: Metsä Wood UK Ltd., FlexSea Ltd., European Metal Recycling Ltd., Vitromite Ltd., Milner Associates