Research and expertise
Current research activity
- PhD study into how not-for-profit passenger transport can be developed to integrate with public transport infrastructure given the prevailing contemporary conditions of post neo-liberalist experimentation with public service provision. This is a joint partnership with Loughborough University School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, and The Community Transport Association UK
I was the Head of service for Local Authority Passenger Transport, specialising in policy research and problem solving led programme development.
My background includes:
- Experienced in changing service provision to meet un-met transport needs and solve accessibility issues created by contractions in commercial bus service provision
- Experienced in public/private partnership development to access capital and revenue investment
- Development track record of long-term passenger transport solutions to the over-provision of public subsidy to commercial bus
- Experienced in developing passenger transport through policy research, navigating the political pathways of commercial and public bodies, and using evidence, commercial pressure, and persuasion to effect change
- Lived experience of decreased accessibility and community impact
- Extensive history of contract negotiation and contract award
- Commercial experience and lived experience of creating and operating businesses
- Trained land use planner and transport planner as a post graduate
- Advocate, and professional (expert) witness at public inquiry
Professional affiliations
External activities
- Volunteer Trustee
- Historic Vehicle Engineering
- Bullet point
Key collaborators
My research and enterprise activities are conducted with a range of academic and stakeholder partners, including:
- Community Transport Association
- Independent Transport Consultants