Kambiz Ebrahimi is Professor of Advanced Propulsion at the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University.
His research interest is mainly in the systems dynamic and control with applications in powertrain design and testing.
He received his PhD in dynamic modelling and MEng is system engineering from Cardiff University. Much of his work has been on modelling, performance evaluation and testing of propulsion systems.
Outline of main research interests:
- Dynamics and Control, Electric Hybrid Propulsion
Grants and contracts:
- ViVID - Virtual Vehicle Integration and Development, is a £39m APC funded project that looks to bring the next generation of electrified vehicles to the market faster. Partners: Ford Motor Company Limited, IPG Automotive GmbH, MCLAREN Applied Technologies Limited. APC 11. 2019-2022.
- VIRBIUS, Design of Hybrid electric Powertrain, is a £20.1m, Jaguar and Land Rover led collaboration project supported by APC&TSB. Partners include: JLR, WMG, AVID, MDL and VICTREX. Delivering an innovative e-machine integrating 48V powertrain, (7% cut in CO2.) Intelligent Energy Management 2018-2021.
- SAGE, Small Automotive Gas Engine, Innovate UK, £540K, 2017 – 2019.
- VPEC, Validation Platform for Engine Calibration, FORD, Ricardo, AVL, and MathWorks, June 2016, £300K. APC Spoke (DE&T), 2016-2018.
- ACTIVE, Advanced Combustion Turbocharged Inline Variable valvetrain Engine, a £13.1 million grant to a consortium led by Ford, to upgrade the award winning EcoBoost engine by Advanced Propulsion Centre & Technology Strategy Board, APC1, 2014-2017.
Current teaching responsibilities:
Module leader for:
- TTP301, Vehicle and Powertrain Functional Performance
- TTB210, Advanced Powertrain Systems.
- TTB202, Control Engineering
Current administrative responsibilities:
- Head of the Advanced Propulsion Group
- Senate member 2017-2020
Ebrahimi, K (2022) Modeling Transient Control of a Turbogenerator on a Drive Cycle, sae, DOI: 10.4271/2022-01-0415.
Wray, A and Ebrahimi, K (2022) Octovalve thermal management control for electric vehicle, Energies, 15(17), 6118, DOI: 10.3390/en15176118.
Petrovich, S, Ebrahimi, K, Mason, B, Watson, A (2022) Modeling transient control of a turbogenerator on a drive cycle, SAE Technical Papers, (2022), 2022-01-0415, ISSN: 0148-7191. DOI: 10.4271/2022-01-0415.
Ahmedov, A, Watson, A, Ebrahimi, K, Dutta, N (2022) Sensitivity analysis and calibration of vehicle HVAC, 11(4), pp.365-389, ISSN: 1742-4267. DOI: 10.1504/IJPT.2022.10052797.
Kalantzis, N, Fletcher, T, Pezouvanis, A, Ebrahimi, K (2021) Holistic simulation for integrated vehicle design, International Journal of Powertrains, 10(1), pp.27-53, ISSN: 1742-4267. DOI: 10.1504/IJPT.2021.114736.
Ahmedov, A, Beavis, N, Kalantzis, N, Pezouvanis, A, Rogers, D, Ebrahimi, K (2021) Method for design and evaluation of ICE exhaust silencers, International Journal of Powertrains, 10(1), pp.1-26, ISSN: 1742-4267. DOI: 10.1504/IJPT.2021.114735.
Fletcher, T and Ebrahimi, K (2020) The effect of fuel cell and battery size on efficiency and cell lifetime for an L7e fuel cell hybrid vehicle, Energies, 13(22), 5889, DOI: 10.3390/en13225889.
Main collaborators:
- Ford Motor Company
- Cummins
- Turbo Technology
External roles and appointments:
- Chair and Organizer of: Powertrain Modelling and Control Conference, PMC2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022.
- Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Powertrains.
- Organizer of: Meeting the Challenges In Powertrain Testing, 25 Nov, 2009, TRW Conekt, Technical Centre, UK.
- Invited keynote speaker of the Sixth International Conference on Internal Combustion Engines.
- Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Multibody Dynamics, Part K, Proceeding of IMechE.
- Co–Editor of: Application of Multi-Variable System Techniques, Professional Engineering Publishing, 1998, ISBN 1-86058128-5.
- Co–Editor of: Multi Body Dynamics, Professional Engineering Publishing, 2000, ISBN 1-86058258-3.
- Assessor for the Monitored Professional Development Scheme of the Institute of Measurement and Control.
- Academic referee for the international journals: Journal of Engineering Manufacture (IMechE), Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (IMechE), Journal of Industrial Engineering (Trans ASME), Journal of Design (Trans ASME), Computers in Industry, The Journal of The Franklin Institute, Journal of Sound and Vibration.
- Research Collaboration with Industry through contacts and research grants such as with AVL, ETAS, Ford Motor Company, 600 Lathes, Metal Dyne, BP, Cross Hueller, National Instrument, Cummins Turbocharger Technologies, S&I (Powell Int.) and JLR.