Dr Victory, formerly of Ford Motor Co. Ltd. Powertrain Division, retired in 2003 as Global Controls Leader where he was responsible for setting the strategy for the design of control systems of manufacturing facilities in all Ford Powertrain plants worldwide.
Subsequently, after obtaining a doctorate at The University of Bradford in 2005, Dr Victory provided support to academic staff in various projects as a Senior Honorary Visiting Research Fellow. This included the setting up of short courses for Powertrain Mapping and Calibration and supporting KTP projects with Powell Inc, BAE Systems and Advanced Actuators Ltd. thereby providing industrial experiential guidance to KTP associates.
Whilst at Bradford Dr Victory assisted with other engineering projects including with KleenFuel Ltd. developing concepts for advanced on-board fuel filtering for combustion efficiency and emission reduction. Liaising with Bradford Metropolitan City Council, Dr Victory also arranged for a proposed competition for a Human Powered Vehicle race for undergraduates of UK universities.
Dr Victory has supported the inaugural international conference for Powertrain Modeling and Control in 2012 (PMC1), the subsequent 2nd conference in 2014 (PMC2) and, following appointment at Loughborough University as Visiting Fellow in Advanced Propulsion Systems, Dr Victory has also provided support for the 3rd conference in 2016 (PMC3).