Research Associate in Applied Aerodynamics.
- B.Eng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering, University of Liverpool, UK
- MSc (Eng) Aerospace and Mechanical Systems Engineering, University of Liverpool, UK
- PhD ‘Swirling Flows in Compressor Transition Ducts with Aerodynamic Lifting Struts’ Loughborough University, UK
Outline main research interests:
- Computational (CFD) and experimental analysis of swirling flows in S-shaped compressor transition ducts.
- Design and analysis of aerodynamically lifting struts/vanes.
- Development of novel and integrated compressor transition duct design.
- Investigations into Gas Turbine Injector Flows.
Research groups:
Applied Aerodynamics
Selected research projects:
- LEMCOTEC - Low Emissions Core Engine Technologies, EU FP7, 2011 – 2015.
- NADIT – Novel Aerodynamic Design and Integration Technologies, TSB, 2013-2016.