- Post-doctoral researcher, Cardiff University, 1998-2003 on two consecutive EPSRC funded research projects
- Lecturer of Aerospace Structures, Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University, 2004 - present
- BEng
- PhD, Cardiff University - Buckling analysis and optimisation of prismatic thin-walled structures, 1998
Outline of main research interests
Lightweight Structures:
- Postbuckling behaviour of aerospace panels
- Mode jumping in aerospace panels
- Buckling and vibration behaviour of shear sensitive beams
- Buckling of composite panels
- Transcendental eigenvalue problems
- Spectral theory of self-adjoint operator acting on graphs
Current teaching responsibilities:
- TTA104 Elasticity
- TTB204 Mechanics of Solids
- TTB208 Structural Design Project
Current administrative responsibilities:
- Module Leader for Structural Design Project
- Departmental industrial placements tutor (DIS Tutor)
- Representative of Academic Staff on University Student Discipline Committee
- DIS Coordinator
Ahmedov, A, Watson, A, Ebrahimi, K, Dutta, N (2022) Sensitivity analysis and calibration of vehicle HVAC, International Journal of Powertains, 11(4), pp.365-389, ISSN: 1742-4267. DOI: 10.1504/IJPT.2022.127868.
Petrovich, S, Ebrahimi, K, Mason, B, Watson, A (2022) Modeling transient control of a turbogenerator on a drive cycle, SAE Technical Papers, (2022), 2022-01-0415, ISSN: 0148-7191. DOI: 10.4271/2022-01-0415.
Yuan, R, Fletcher, T, Ahmedov, A, Kalantzis, N, Pezouvanis, A, Dutta, N, Watson, A, Ebrahimi, K (2020) Modelling and co-simulation of hybrid vehicles: A thermal management perspective, Applied Thermal Engineering, 180, 115883, ISSN: 1359-4311. DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.115883.
Howson, WP and Watson, A (2018) On the provenance of hinged-hinged frequencies in Timoshenko beam theory, Computers and Structures, ISSN: 0045-7949. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2017.11.017.
Howson, WP and Watson, A (2017) Exact eigensolution of a class of multi-level elastically connected members, Engineering Structures, ISSN: 0141-0296. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.03.059.
Chikahiro, Y, Ario, I, Nakazawa, M, Ono, S, Holnicki-Szulc, J, Pawlowski, P, Graczykowski, C, Watson, A (2016) Experimental and numerical study of full-scale scissor type bridge, Automation in Construction, ISSN: 1872-7891. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2016.05.007.
Fenner, P, Watson, A, Featherston, CA (2016) Modelling infinite length panels using the finite element method, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, ISSN: 1793-6764. DOI: 10.1142/S0219455417500389.
Wang, S, Harvey, C, Wang, B, Watson, A (2015) Post-local buckling-driven delamination in bilayer composite beams, Composite Structures, 133, pp.1058-1066, ISSN: 0263-8223. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.08.012.
James, C, Watson, A, Cunningham, P (2015) Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of asymmetry on the residual strength of a composite sandwich panel, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, ISSN: 1530-7972. DOI: 10.1177/1099636215577348.
James, C, Watson, A, Cunningham, P (2015) Numerical modelling of the compression-after-impact performance of a composite sandwich panel, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, ISSN: 1530-7972. DOI: 10.1177/1099636215576475.
External activities
External funding:
- EPSRC CASE award ‘Stability of aircraft structures’ supported by Airbus UK.
Invited seminars:
- “Exact solutions for Sturm-Liouville problem on a tree” presented at Mathematical Physics Seminars, Loughborough University 2006
- “Numerical Analysis of Quantum Graphs” presented at Bath Centre for Non-Linear Mechanics, Bath University, 2008
- Tohoku University, Japan, 2009
- Hiroshima University, Japan, 2009
- ERASMUS funded visit to Brno Technical University, April 2011
Professional affiliations:
- Member of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy
International conferences:
- Member of the organising committee for the 4th International Conference on Thin Walled Structures held at Loughborough University June 2004
Journal refereeing:
- Thin-walled structures
- International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
- Computer Modelling in Engineering & Sciences
- Journal of Sound and Vibration
- International Journal Structural Stability and Dynamics
- Journal of Aerospace Engineering
- Engineering Mathematics
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering