Teaching Partnerships Sub-Committee
Terms of Reference
- To advise and report to Education and Student Experience Committee and provide a forum for the development of the Committee’s agenda in regard to the academic standards and the quality of taught provision delivered in collaboration with external partners.
- To promote, evaluate and review measures to enhance the quality of learning and teaching for taught provision delivered in collaboration with external organisations.
- To recommend to Strategic Projects and Resources Committee and Curriculum Sub-Committee the approval of formal agreements for taught partnerships.
- To ensure that appropriate scrutiny takes place of all taught collaborative provision, including short course provision where appropriate, in order to maintain quality and standards and disseminate good practice.
- To monitor student number planning and monitor achievement of intake targets for collaborative provision, working closely with the Planning Office and collaborative partners.
- To collaborate with the Global Engagement team in advancing proposals for new and renewed international partnerships. To evaluate and approve, where appropriate, new types and models of international teaching partnerships based on recommendations from the Global Engagement team.
- To maintain the register of taught partnership agreements.
- To oversee the partnership approval and re-approval process.
- To disseminate advice and information to Schools and partner organisations as required.