Space Management Sub-Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To advise Infrastructure Committee on all matters relating to space strategy including considering the implications for future space requirements arising from the university strategy and other key strategy documents, particularly with regard to teaching and research space.
  2. To recommend major reallocations of space within the University for academic and other uses to Infrastructure Committee.
  3. To regularly review the condition of all forms of teaching and learning spaces and associated technologies on our campuses, and wherever teaching takes place.
  4. To specifically consider the removal of structural barriers to access existing all spaces for those with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 and make recommendations for the integration of inclusive design into plans for newly created spaces.
  5. To specifically consider the sustainability of recommendations for improvements to all spaces in respect of construction, heating/ventilation and electrical installations to reduce the embodied carbon or achieve net zero.
  6. To receive and analyse data relating to space conditions, useability and accessibility to inform decision making and prioritisation for improvement and investment.
  7. To ensure sufficient and accurate records of space and its allocation are maintained to aid decision making and report to Finance (for space charging and TRAC[1]).
  8. To keep under review the allocation of space within the University and in doing so, seek to ensure efficient and economic utilisation of space resources and that dynamic working, financial and environmental sustainability are key considerations in the space allocation process.
  9. To ensure appropriate surveys of space utilisation are undertaken and to report the findings to Infrastructure Committee
  10. To advise on timetabling policies and utilise central timetabling analysis to inform future teaching and laboratory space requirements.
  11. Ensure space utilisation, building condition and functional suitability are used to inform potential decommissioning of legacy buildings.
  12. Ensure that both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis are incorporated into space decisions.
  13. To make minor allocations of space through delegation to the Space Planner.
  14. To make recommendations to the Long-Term Maintenance Sub-Committee and/or the Strategic Portfolio and Resource Committee, advising which teaching and learning spaces should be prioritised for capital spend when funds are made available through the capital framework[2] – projects may be prioritised based on current and future need, accessibility, inclusive design and useability or timescales.
  15. To liaise with LUSEP Management Team who are responsible for the strategic and tactical decisions for commercial space.
  16. To regularly consult and share information with other committees as required such as Education and Student Experience Committee/ Research & Innovation Committee / Student Experience Team / Digital Strategy / IT Programme Board on analysis, development and initiatives as appropriate.
  17. To regularly report to Infrastructure Committee.


[1] Transparent Approach to Costing - an activity-based costing system reported to OfS

[2] While indicative allocations are made in the capital framework for both the upgrade of student learning facilities and campus infrastructure this is not a guarantee that funding will be available.