Research and Innovation Committee
Terms of Reference
As a Committee of Senate, it shall be required to act in an executive and advisory capacity on all matters related to research and innovation in accordance with the current Strategic Plan, and in particular:
- To develop a co-ordinated strategy for the delivery of high-quality research and innovation activity and to make recommendations to Strategic Portfolio and Resources Committee on the resource implications of this strategy.
- To support the implementation of research and innovation strategy within Schools and more widely across the University and to facilitate sharing of best practice.
- To review research and innovation performance across the University and to agree actions to deliver quality improvement.
- To delegate oversight of the delivery of Strategic Projects to the Research and Innovation Core Plan Board and to collaborate with the Board to ensure effective alignment of all activities within the Research & Innovation remit.
- To review the performance of the Doctoral College. To review the processes for the recruitment, admission, and progression of Doctoral Researchers.
- To receive reports regarding the formation of and withdrawal from University IP Commercialisation activities.
- To keep under review the external significant influences on the development of research and innovation strategy, policy, and practice, including UK Research and innovation, European Union, and international funding policies.
- To review and facilitate external interfacing/Concordats.
- To track and monitor compliance with, and progress on, the Concordat and the HREiR Award, ensuring Loughborough University meets its reporting obligations and continues to support the career development of researchers effectively.
- To co-ordinate with other University Committees on matters of mutual interest.
- To approve terms of reference for Working Groups for resource allocation and other purposes.
- To receive reports on matters of significance from the Working Groups.
- To report to Senate.