Education and Student Experience Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To advise Senate on education and student experience strategy and policy setting.
  2. To delegate oversight of the delivery of Strategic Projects under the Education and Student Experience Core Plan to the Core Plan Board and to collaborate with the Board to ensure effective alignment of all activities within the Education and Student Experience remit.
  3. To keep under review the effectiveness of arrangements for managing academic standards and assuring the quality of students' learning opportunities.
  4. To ensure that effective institutional approaches are developed and implemented to enhance the quality of provision.
  5. To ensure that effective arrangements are in place to identify, support, disseminate and reward effective practice and innovation in learning, teaching and assessment.
  6. To keep under review Regulations relating to the conduct of undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes.
  7. To keep under review the operation of the University's modular, credit-based curriculum framework, the semesterised academic year, and the associated assessment processes.
  8. To oversee arrangements for assuring the quality and standards of taught collaborative provision.
  9. To oversee arrangements for non-standard credit bearing and non-credit bearing taught provision.
  10. To receive reports and recommendations from the Curriculum Sub-Committee, Teaching Partnerships Sub-Committee, Student Experience Team, Access and Participation Sub-Committee, and working groups which it may establish from time to time to address specific issues, and other groups.
  11. To oversee the setting of policy in relation to the academic aspects of admission to taught programmes.
  12. To consider such other issues related to education and the student experience as may be referred to it by Senate, and to report to Senate after each meeting.