International Students Day - 21 Nov
International Students Day, celebrated on 21 November, is an important occasion at Loughborough University, highlighting the diverse and invaluable contributions of our international students to the vibrant network of our academic community.
Create & Connect
Creative Workshops and networking sessions for International students
We are currently running Create & Connect, an 6 session programme designed for international students.
Student Showcase
Kher Shin Goh
Kher Shin is currently undertaking a Creative Internship at New Era Cap.
Their illustration below was for the poem on page 20 of our LU Arts journal.
They also received a Special Commendation for their entry to our Digital Mural Design Competition in 2021, which can be seen at the top of this page.
Past exhibitions
On-campus exhibition commemorated the lost lives of Ukrainian students
An exhibition held on the third floor of the Pilkington Library in March 2023 revealed the untold stories of students in Ukraine who lost their lives to the war.
‘Unissued Diplomas’ honoured 36 Ukrainian students who were never able to graduate because they were killed in the war. The exhibition was held at more than 45 universities across the world and marked one year since the war began.
Unissued Diplomas aimed to raise awareness of the daily struggle Ukrainian citizens faced and are still facing, referencing how students ‘used to spend their days in study halls’ whereas now they see their ‘classrooms turned into bomb shelters’.