During the trip, he hosted two alumni receptions in New Delhi and Mumbai.
Alumni came together to hear from the Vice-Chancellor, meet with other university staff and to network with fellow Loughborough graduates.
On 4 November, the New Delhi reception took place at the British High Commissioner's Residence. The delegation later travelled to Mumbai to host a reception at ITC Maratha on 6 November. More than 50 alumni and friends of the University attended the events.
Professor Jennings updated alumni on the latest university news and developments during his first trip to the country since he began as Vice-Chancellor in 2021.
Alumni also heard about the university strategy, Creating Better Futures. Together, with a particular focus on the international elements of the plans.
Alumni were delighted to meet one another again. Alumna Keerthana Swaminathan (pictured below, right) attended the Mumbai event. She posted on LinkedIn:
“Had an amazing time at the Loughborough University Alumni Reception yesterday in Mumbai! It was great to meet the VC and of course to catch up with the rest of the alumni.”
Three alumni at the event in Mumbai
Thank you to everyone who attended the events.
View photographs of New Delhi and Mumbai via Flickr.
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